Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Once on this Island play essays

Once on this Island play essays My overall opinion of viewing Once on This Island was that the actors did a good job in their parts but the play selection was poor. For the nature of the play it was done I possibly as well as it could have been. The lead female singer, older Timoon, was very good in my opinion but it was just a tough play to really make that great. The young girl also did well especially for her age, she seemed very comfortable. The set was very nice and I especially liked how the gate doors went directly into the stage. I also thought it was cool looking how the back screen would show the storm with lightning strikes across it. It would also show when clouds were rolling in and when accompanied by the sound it wind it depicted a nice storm scene. Also it was clever how the car was an actor holding two flashlights while acting like he was driving around. Once on This Island starts out with a poverty stricken family telling the folk tale of their people. It tells of a little girl who was ship wrecked and was the only survivor. She was in a tree screaming because she was afraid, lost, and alone. A family who didnt have any kids, heard her screams and helped her from the tree and began to raise her as their own child. They named her Timoon. She grew up with the family and the village and was well known to everyone. She was very cheery and curious on what life was like out of her village. One day she found a man who had wrecked his car. He was Daniel the son of the king of the island. There was a legend about Daniels family because his grandfather had cheated on his wife with a woman of poverty. His son grew up and threw him out of power so he cursed his bloodline so no one could leave the island and had to stay in the city. Timoon had everyone bring him back to her house so she could take care of him. Her parents were worried because t hey could get in trouble for having him there. But Timoon was persistent ...

Monday, March 2, 2020

End- or Endo- Biology Prefixes and Suffixes

End- or Endo- Biology Prefixes and Suffixes The prefix (end- or endo-) means within, inside or internal. Examples Endobiotic (endo-biotic) - referring to a parasite or symbiotic organism that lives within the tissues of its host. Endocardium (endo-cardium) - inner membrane lining of the heart that also covers heart valves and is continuous with the inner lining of blood vessels. Endocarp (endo-carp) - the hard inner layer of pericarp that forms the pit of ripened fruit. Endocrine (endo-crine) - refers to the secretion of a substance internally. It also refers to glands of the endocrine system that secrete hormones  directly into the blood. Endocytosis (endo-cytosis) - transport of substances into a cell. Endoderm (endo-derm) - inner germ layer of a developing embryo that forms the lining of the digestive and respiratory tracts. Endoenzyme (endo-enzyme) - an enzyme that acts internally to a cell. Endogamy (endo-gamy) - internal fertilization between flowers of the same plant. Endogenous (endo-genous) - produced, synthesized or caused by factors within an organism. Endolymph (endo-lymph) - the fluid contained within the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear. Endometrium (endo-metrium) - inner mucous membrane layer of the uterus. Endomitosis (endo-mitosis) - a form of internal mitosis in which chromosomes replicate, however the division of the nucleus and cytokinesis do not occur. It is a form of endoreduplication. Endomixis (endo-mixis) - reorganization of the nucleus that occurs within the cell in some protozoans. Endomorph (endo-morph) - an individual with a heavy body type predominated by tissue derived from the endoderm. Endophyte (endo-phyte) - a plant parasite or other organism that lives within a plant. Endoplasm (endo-plasm) - the inner portion of the cytoplasm in some cells such as protozoans. Endorphin (endo-dorphin) - a hormone produced within an organism that acts as a neurotransmitter to reduce the perception of pain. Endoskeleton (endo-skeleton) - an organisms internal skeleton. Endosperm (endo-sperm) - tissue within the seed of an angiosperm that nourishes the developing plant embryo. Endospore (endo-spore) - an inner wall of a plant spore or pollen grain. It also refers to a non-reproductive spore produced by some bacteria and algae. Endothelium (endo-thelium) - thin layer of epithelial cells that form the inner lining of blood vessels, lymphatic vessels and heart cavities. Endotherm (endo-therm) - an organism that generates heat internally to maintain constant body temperature.